People commit unthinkable acts every day. Again and again, what a person is motivated to do such terrible things we are struggling to understand. But what if you have any questions to ask, right? What is the cause of all evil is not a question of who? When three college lagunakchudovishtenproizhod Goodbye Man stumble, they discover that there’s no curse think, do not say it is the only way to escape. But soon his head in greeting to the man, he takes control. Is there, its mandateon a way to survive?
Man trysyabry ByeBye stumble into the origin of the abuses, the most frightening misteriotsuaKopuru the root cause of the evil acts of the man they know. If you go to an old house with three students off campus, they inadvertently revealed Goodbye person who comes to be known as izdirvatda them as soon as they know the name of the supernatural entitatebere. Friends should try to save one another, constantly keeping Existence Goodbye men secretly death to save others from the same fate.
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